“Let me show you how you can enjoy life, love & work”

If you would like to be in more command of your own life, gain more clarity, and make more empowered decisions - consider learning new self-empowerment skills by attending the Life Skills Management skills practical workshops .

Through understanding your subtle energy system, and applying good quality skills to enhance your awareness and meditation capability, you can improve many aspects of your life.

This means that you can be in a place of optimum potential to make those important decisions that matter to you.

The Subtle Energy Awareness Programme ®

“Discover the wonderment of the subtle, unseen ways of energy that drive your life!”

The Subtle Energy Awareness Programme ™ has been designed to raise your awareness and increase your understanding of the subtle energies that surround you and bear influence on your daily life and well-being.

Created by Sue Zange, the pioneer and developer of advanced understanding of subtle energies, this Programme will teach you about the amazing nature of invisible energies.

Amy is now able to present this wonderful training course to you, having become a Certified Teacher for this Programme.

Visit the Subtle Energy Awareness Page to reserve your place now! Places have been limited per presentation to ensure Amy can offer her personal attention, expertise and service to those who attend.

'Enhance your Light' ® Meditation Programme™

“Discover the difference between meditation and visualisation.”

Learn the simple skills to enable you to sit still so you can create through visualisation and find peace through meditation.

Visit the 'Enhance your Light ~ Enhance your Life' Page to learn more!
Places have been limited per presentation to ensure Amy can offer her personal attention, expertise and service to those who attend.